Chicken or egg (sold)

Weekend’s groceries… I am again in the supermarket, and again my unmediated encounter with the egg cartons, and again the most intriguing question of all: what was here before? The egg or the chicken? I’m almost certain that I’m the only one who’s bothered there at the supermarket, and that the shoppers around are more concerned about how to finish the long and exhausting round between the shelves as quickly as possible, but these cartons … There are so many theories around this paradox, evolutionary, logical, genetic … I don’t understand what is the problem is, please, is some one can give an answer here? …
When I finally will find the answer, I will tell the chicken how beautiful it is to being a human hen, to know that there was a time when we were accepted and came to universe we brought with us something to the world, and now is it our turn to stand aside, watch quietly without interruption, see our eggs strengthen the world with their special gift, which is belong only to them, and to knoe that without them the world would not be the same world.

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